Make Your Mark Agency

7 Effective Ways to Repurpose your Podcast Content

7 Effective Ways to Repurpose your Podcast Content

Kay June 30, 2021 0 Comments

Relying solely on Podcast content to gain listeners is foolish today.

Podcasters need other ways or outlets to get their Podcast in front of their ideal audience. Depending on the SEO game on distributors such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify isn’t enough today.

In fact, a majority of Podcasters expect their show to blow up without promoting it elsewhere. There’s nothing wrong with it, but that would take a heck load of time. Instead, it’s faster to put your Podcast out where your potential listeners are hanging out.

And In this blog, I’ll cover 7 different ways to repurpose your Podcast content — to gain more listeners, get more downloads and grow your Podcasting business globally.

If you like reading about Podcasting, Subscribe to my Free Email Newsletter to get my blogs delivered straight to your Inbox everytime I hit Publish.

#1 — Website Blogs

Blogs help rank your website on Google organically and massively boost your reach. Let’s look at the 2 ways to help repurpose Podcast content into blogs.

  • Using Transcripts
  • Writing Niche Blogs

Using Transcripts

A Podcasting Hosting service like BuzzSprout will generate a transcript for your episodes at just $0.25 per minute. I use it for my Podcast.

Transcripts are the text versions of your episodes. They are word-to-word written text of your podcast episodes.

But don’t copy-paste transcripts directly to your blogs. Read, edit and polish them before publishing. You’ll notice a lot of jargon words that are simply unnecessary.

Writing Niche Blogs

You can start writing blogs on topics your episodes cover. You have two choices — either write them yourself or outsource them to someone else.

Example : Your latest episode covers the topic “ staying fit with a vegan diet”.

You do your research and write a blog on it. Finally, you embed your Podcast episode at the top or bottom of the blog

Niche blogs are blogs focused on a specific topic. Websites like NerdFitness and Healthline are blogs in the fitness and health niche, respectively.

Such niche blogs consist of keywords to help you rank faster on Google.

#2 — Newsletters

Newsletters are all the craze today. Building, growing and monetizing them is what keeps Creators hooked. So why not jump in and grab this opportunity while it’s still ripe.

What is a Newsletter?

They are content pieces that aim at providing value, mostly written. People who want access to all the content, subscribe to have it sent to their mail inbox. You can even curate podcasts, videos and other blogs in your Newsletter to increase its value and build authority.

Which Newsletter Platforms to get started with?

You can’t just host a Newsletter anywhere. People mostly use email service providers and newsletter platforms to launch and run their Newsletters.

MailerLite and ConvertKit are great email service providers to launch Newsletters for free.

Newsletter platforms like Substack, Revue and BeeHiiv are the best for beginners.

How to repurpose Podcast content into a Newsletter?

Start with summarizing everything you’ve covered in your Episode. Don’t paste your entire transcript or blog. People don’t have time to read blogs in their Inbox.

In fact, you can include your episode show notes in the Newsletter and embed the podcast episode at the bottom.

I would suggest that you additionally embed tweets and other blog links of other people relevant to the topic. Give your readers enough content to consume.

The best part? A lot of platforms like Substack and BeeHiiv let you monetize your Newsletters by running paid subscriptions.

This means people will pay you a monthly subscription fee if they want access to some exclusive content of your Newsletter.

Need exclusive content ideas? Try these out.

  • Provide a 1-on-1 coaching session
  • Invite them as Guests on your Podcast
  • Give them free access to your paid program, course or ebook

Eventually, you’ll start building a follower base and get listeners for your Podcast.

Tip : You can even run a Curated Newsletter and incorporate content from other creators in a similar niche. Such content includes :

  • Blogs
  • Quotes
  • Books
  • Tweets
  • LinkedIn posts
  • Podcast episodes

Release the first edition for everyone on your social and hook them to subscribe to your Newsletter to receive other editions daily, weekly or bi-weekly.

#3 — Twitter Threads

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform with a great Creator base. It’s powerful because you can get in front of big creators with just a simple mention, comment on their tweet or a DM.

Be concise and precise on Twitter. With a limited word limit of 280 characters, you need to hook readers with just a few words. But things got better when Twitter introduced Threads a few years back.

What is a Twitter Thread?

Threads are multiple tweets connected one below the other. Twitter usually shows the first and the last tweet of a thread to a user. Once someone clicks on it, they can read the entire thread of tweets.

Let’s look at an example. Click the tweet to view the entire thread. thread by Dave

How to Repurpose Podcast content into Twitter thread?

The major reason behind repurposing your episode content is to summarize everything you’ve covered in it. Let’s look at how to do it.

  • Generate a Transcript for the episode.
  • Look for points that bring value and note it down somewhere.
  • Next, cut extra words and create a Hook to use as the first tweet.
  • Keep summarizing insights and takeaways in each tweet of the thread.
  • Add your episode link in the final tweet.

Note : Twitter threads don’t have a limit on tweets written within them. So feel free to make it lengthy.

With this, you will have a Twitter thread ready to go out and bring listeners to your Podcast.

If you like reading about Podcasting, Subscribe to my Free Email Newsletter to get my blogs delivered straight to your Inbox everytime I hit Publish.

#4 — LinkedIn Posts

LinkedIn is the most professional social media platform on the internet today. But that doesn’t mean you can’t share anything personal.

In fact, several LinkedIn users share their personal stories and pictures to establish authenticity. So there’s no harm sharing a summary of your Podcast episode.

How to repurpose Podcast content into a LinkedIn post?

The entire process is similar to the one I shared in Twitter threads. Only difference, unlike Twitter threads, you won’t need to divide your summary into separate parts.

A LinkedIn post can carry 2000 characters single-handedly. That’s more than enough for a 250-word summary. Link your episode at the bottom of the post or in the first comment.

So summarize your episode and get it out there on LinkedIn. Oh and don’t forget to add relevant hashtags at the bottom of your post. They’ll bring relevant and specific users who are interested in the topic you’ve covered in your summary.

#5 — Pinterest Pins

If you’re someone with a knack for creating graphic designs, then you’ll love this method.

Pinterest is the largest visual search engine on the internet. It’s full of images, small videos and products. So, let’s look at how to get repurpose your podcast content into Pinterest Pins.

  • Use Canva to create Pinterest Pins. It’s beginner-friendly and affordable. Follow this Tutorial to learn to create a Pin using Canva.
  • Canva has hundreds of templates. Choose the one you like and start customizing it with your brand colours.
  • Add your Podcast episode title in the design and save it to your device.
  • Click on “Create Pin” on Pinterest and upload your Canva design.
  • On the right, enter the Pin title, and a small description below it. [You can use your show notes]
  • Enter your episode link in the field — “ Add your destination link”.
  • Publish your Pin.

It’s alright if you can’t create Pinterest Pins, you can just outsource the designing part to a freelancer on Fiverr or Upwork for $5.

Keep doing this for every episode you release and watch listeners dropping in from Pinterest.

#6 — Instagram Posts

Instagram is one of the most popular social media sites out there with billions of users feasting on content daily. And promoting your content on it will be lucrative for you and your Podcast.

First, let’s look at some popular types of posts that do really well on Instagram.

  • Image posts
  • Video posts
  • Reels
  • Carousel posts

Image posts — You can simply upload your Podcast episode banner as image and write an enticing caption to hook and drive users to your Podcast.

Video posts — You can shoot and upload a preview of what exactly can listeners expect from your episode and how it’ll benefit them. Don’t forget to list out the details in the captions as well.

Reels — These are videos of 15–30 sec duration. You can have a small preview of something similar to what you upload as “Video” post. Just keep it small.

Carousel posts — Multiple images or videos which can be accessed by swiping left or right.

Go ahead and try out all these content types. Select the ones which generate the most engagement. This is how you’ll get listeners for your Podcast.

#7 — YouTube video

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. In fact, video content has surged a lot in the past decade and is considered the most consumed form of content today.

In fact, YouTube videos have over a billion views every day. Now, wouldn’t you love to take a bite of that gigantic amount of viewers for your Podcast?

How to repurpose Podcast content into YouTube videos?

Start recording yourself on camera the next time you record a podcast episode. And upload it on YouTube. A few other points to note.

  • Have a catchy title and a captivating thumbnail.
  • Fill the video description with your show notes and use a few hashtags relevant to your topic.
  • Add a cool Intro, chapters, and an Outro.

Do the same for all your future episodes and watch your followers grow along with your YouTube subscribers. Later, you can even monetize your channel and build a passive source of income.

What Next?

Ultimately, the more outlets you promote your podcast content on, the more listeners you’ll get from each of them. Every platform will have people interested in your Podcast topic.

Stay consistent with repurposing content and nothing can stop your Podcast from growing and hitting a million views someday.

To summarize the 7 ways to repurpose your podcast content :

  • Write blogs
  • Create Newsletters
  • Write Twitter Threads
  • Write LinkedIn posts
  • Design Pinterest Pins
  • Create Instagram Carousels
  • Produce YouTube videos

That’s a wrap. Passing it over to you, which one would you like to try out first? Will it be YouTube videos or Writing Blogs?

Either way, let me know by dropping a comment below.

If you need help Launching your Podcast or Editing your Podcast, feel free check out my Podcasting Agency for more details.